One mistake that many travelers make when it comes to checked baggage is including prohibited items in their bags, whether accidentally or on purpose. With todays airport security screening, it is virtually impossible to get away with storing prohibited or illegal items inside your checked baggage.
Occasionally travelers make the mistake of including prohibited items in their bags, these items are usually placed in accidentally but sometimes also purposefully. With today's airport security screening, it is virtually impossible to get away with storing prohibited or illegal items inside your checked baggage.
It is advised by the TSA that you do not lock your bags when packing and leaving to the airport. After your bags have been properly screened, some airlines will allow you to replace the locks on your checked baggage, but some wont. For this reason, you may want to reconsider storing expensive items, such as electronic equipment, in your bags. In addition to the possibility of theft, travelers will notice that their bags are at a higher risk for being damaged from being searched and items being handled and repacked.
The TSA advises against locking your baggage before heading to the airport. After your bags have been properly screened, some airlines will allow you to replace the locks on your checked baggage, but some wont. For this reason, you may want to reconsider storing expensive items, such as electronic equipment, in your bags. In addition to the possibility of theft, you will find that items packed inside your checked luggage are at a higher risk for being damaged then those that are in your carry-on bags.
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