Harris is a small island found just off the Scottish west coast. The Isle of Harris is only one of over 300 of small islands commonly known as the Outer Hebrides, although strictly speaking the UK postal address is the Western Isles. Known as either the Western Isles or the Outer Hebrides the islands are extremely beautiful and fascinatingly unique. For those folk who simple can't do without a sandy beach Harris has a multitude to choose from and virtually all are wonderful and often deserted. It sometimes feels as though beyond twist you are met by an awesome sight. The roads on the Isle of Harris are not the same as elsewhere in Scotland and the United Kingdom in some areas the roads are single track and you will have to, at times, use passing places to safely let oncoming traffic past and also let traffic from behind to pass too. Just remember to pull over to the left of the road. However, if you are faced with a large vehicle wishing to get past you and the passing place is on your right hand side you may carefully pull over into to it to allow the big vehicle pass more easily but be careful not to drive off the edge of the road too much.
One of the main reasons people travel to the Isle of Harris is to enjoy the islands landscape and culture. The Harris culture has, over 100's of years been incredibly influenced by the Celtic, Norse, Scottish and English races. These days the majority of folk speak in the Gaelic language and although many speak English, it is most commonly their second language. The people of the Isle of Harris are amongst the friendliest on our planet and the hospitality is known across the globe. The people of the Isle of Harris are incredibly proud of the amazingly beautiful Harris countryside and go to great lengths to keep the island very tidy so it is immensely important to minimise your own mess.
On the Isle of Harris you will discover some of the finest beaches in all of Scotland, and it could be said the whole of the United Kingdom. You will, most probably, notice how crystal clear the waters are and it is a fact that the beaches on Harris are lovely and clean. Annoyingly there is no way to avoid debris washing up from Atlantic shipping but happily there isn't much.
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