Building An Authoritative Travel Blog

Authoritative blogs seem all the rage at the moment but what exactly is an " Authoritative Travel Blog ?" Well my understanding of the matter is it is a blog that is not only very informative to the readers but that the information comes from authoritative type people in connection with what they are writing about.

Hopefully my articles below will give an insight on travel and travel related experiences from all over the world from many authoritative writers as they have been there and done that.

Articles will be and are published often and this means current travel experiences and up to date places to visit. If you have also visited these places or wish to comment then please do so remembering this blog is intended to family orientated visitors so please be respectful.

I have seen many fears raised through my article site and feel that any traveller today that, for one reason or another, decides against travel insurance then they are possibly being a little short sighted. We do not want our boats to sink but are happy to carry life rafts. travel insurance is a similar idea. We do not wish to ever claim on it but if things go wrong as they sometimes do it is a benifit to have the insurance.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Earth Day in Stamford

By Mara Hernandez-Capili

Earth Day was celebrated by advocates yesterday April 22. It was an activity that commemorated people's fight against global warming. It is also a special day where we begin to think and ponder on how we can care for our beloved planet. Thanks to Earth Day organizers, we are conscientiously reminded to be kind and not to be cruel to our surroundings. Because of Earth Day more people are becoming aware and more environmentally oriented.

Earth Hour is a part of the Earth Day campaign. It is a widely publicized event in the whole world since it requires all the country in the world to turn off their lights for one whole hour. The Earth Hour is done to save on the country and the world's energy and electricity resources. It was first experimented in Sydney, Australia were it turned out to be a huge success. Earth Hour was a successful endeavor with several countries participating for it this year.

Green jobs are another advocacy of Earth Day campaigns. Green companies nowadays are employing more and more people to do green jobs for them. What is exactly a green job? A green job is a job that helps benefit our environment and our surroundings. Green companies range from solar panel manufacturers to no-gas/ water powered vehicle manufacturers. According to President Obama's platform, there will be hundreds of green jobs/companies in the coming years.

Green artists' response to Earth Day is to create recycled art or junk art. Harvey Whitcomb is an example of an American green artist that is successful at his craft. Judging from his website one can see that he had expertly used recycled items in making his artwork.

There will be an Earth day Celebration in Stamford, Connecticut where everyone is encouraged to attend to know how to care for the Earth and be very good and caring stewards of our mother planet.

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