Consider this; you put an old bait on the bluntest big hook you can find attached to thick monofilament line and fling it out almost anywhere on your carp water; it might seem strange but it would be no surprise if this caught some very big fish indeed due possibly to this unusual rig behaving in an unusual way, the big heavy hook being less easily ejected, the fish being all too ready to flee and hook itself on the blunt hook and the old bait being new and completely unique and so less of a potential threat! This might sound crazy but not so; having caught big fish testing this out proved to me that in fact an unusual bait is far more important than just a cursory look at the relative importance of fish location, a sharp hook or simple conventional rig design might suggest and that there is far more to this than first meets the carp senses!
Having been invited by a friend to visit the famous Horseshoe Lake I took some extra bait substances to add to and test against my friends already successful spod ground bait mix to prove the power of the appliance of science; and what happened was amazing! As a top rod and bailiff on the lake my friend fully expected his bait to compete against anything and induce carp feeding in a test situation. We introduced my friends original mix to a stock pond margin where carp could be observed easily and also introduced 2 other versions of his mix, but with added potent substances and ingredients chosen through scientific principles on natural fish senses stimulation, and the carp were actually head-butting where the new versions had been before being eaten while the original spod mix lay completely ignored even by tench and roach!
This was such a revelation to all of us that witnessed this test that it took us quite a while to accept what had happened and the strength of the reaction because after all, here was a proven consistently successful spod mix failing to even get nibbled whist in the presence of 2 other identically-based baits but with added extras. Of course I was expecting a strong feeding response to the substances added to the new spod mixes, but certainly did not really expect them to result in the original being ignored as if it did not even exist. Now if you have ever fished next to someone who is catching fish and you cannot get a bite on your formerly successful bait this could well be part of the reason and perhaps we all need to seriously ask ourselves if our baits are doing or not doing various things they are supposedly designed to do!
Even though many believe in the high and balanced nutritional bait approach or the instant bait approach and any permutation in between, what ultimately matters from a results point is that you get a hook into a mouth in order to hook it, but obviously this is nowhere as simple as it might sound and success in this varies by miles between different baits. There is also the phenomenon of so many anglers free baits being regularly consumed while hook baits get rejected, and even put aside or marked as a potential threat by carp communicating between each other in various ways in a baited swim. Many anglers talk about carp having to get hooked because in order to sample baits they need to pick them up and chew them, but the fact is much of the substance of a bait in water can be identified and even filter-fed upon without a carp ever actually touching a bait let alone actually taking it into the mouth and consuming it.
Those big and smaller wary carp we all really want often respond best to baits that are new especially if they contain levels and combinations of substances not familiar or completely new to them and this especially is where homemade baits and ground baits very seriously score!
With your own personal homemade baits you decide the crucial cost of your bait and exactly how you want them to impact on carp in any of many various ways; including exploitation of their feeding response mechanisms, natural behaviours and other diverse sensory systems, so they actually work in your favour and not against you! When you truly realise the power of being able to induce feeding on your baits by including far higher levels of natural feeding triggers than commercial bait companies can include profitably in their boilies, pellets and ground baits etc, then things bait-related really get exciting! Just one example of a combination you can seriously boost in levels and exploit is that of the combination of betaine and green lipped mussel extract and these will provide more chances of takes as they encourage more intense and more repeated consumption of baits even in low temperatures in winter...
Just the popularity of one substance such as betaine shows that one substance that carp are naturally highly stimulated by can have a big improvement in catches, but there are many other substances to exploit in many various ways. Just as betaine and corn steep liquor are used in powder and soluble liquid forms you can apply this to a vast multitude of other substances you might never have considered before. The successful permutations and combinations are truly endless always keeping you ahead of those ever changing and adapting carp.
Anyone in the know when it comes to fishing baits, truly appreciates that outstanding catches are very much linked to the ability of an angler to control and maintain the concentration of excitory substances in close proximity to their hook baits, and knowledge of certain aspects of homemade bait making really do help in achieving this even with adapted readymade baits and ground baits! Try fishing with a PVA bag of whole readymade boilies compared to a bag of readymade boilies opened 3 days before use and crumbled and chopped and soaked in a feed-triggering PVA-friendly complex and cast out in a PVA bag holding a PVA-friendly glug too; the results are pretty different to say the least! But perhaps the biggest wake-up call of all is not merely the ability to control how your baits impact strongly on your fish and control swims etc, but the ability to control your spending by being able to spend on those ingredients, additives and so on with the most impact on fish; so requiring less bait but producing improved effects; with the best part being your shocking money savings!
By Tim Richardson.
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