There are a lot of fun pursuits that your family may be interested in. It may be as simple as buying a small pet that your kids can take care of. But, if you opt for this, you should make sure your kids are responsible enough for a pet, as you may end up doing all the work yourself. Let them take charge of the small animal, and it's a good idea to take outdoor trips with it so you can spend some bonding time.
Another alternative that I have explored with my own kids is the practice of crafts making together. There are many crafts to choose from: I noticed that my son was interested in miniatures, so I encouraged him to take it up. I bought books about the craft, and we started doing them together. And I have to tell you; it's a lot of fun.
A big challenge that faced my family is the actual creation of the small figures. We began by going around and picking up small ready-made kits from craft stores and assembling them at home. Then my kids would then paint them. Soon, we progressed to making miniature customized figures ourselves out of wood or clay, but quickly realized that clay is preferred material.
Today, my sons are experts with regards to painting the miniatures. If you look closely, you can see the minute detail in the paint shadings! And not to brag, but I have become quite adept at sculpting and baking them. We are now confident enough to show off our works in one of Utah's craft shows.
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