Building An Authoritative Travel Blog

Authoritative blogs seem all the rage at the moment but what exactly is an " Authoritative Travel Blog ?" Well my understanding of the matter is it is a blog that is not only very informative to the readers but that the information comes from authoritative type people in connection with what they are writing about.

Hopefully my articles below will give an insight on travel and travel related experiences from all over the world from many authoritative writers as they have been there and done that.

Articles will be and are published often and this means current travel experiences and up to date places to visit. If you have also visited these places or wish to comment then please do so remembering this blog is intended to family orientated visitors so please be respectful.

I have seen many fears raised through my article site and feel that any traveller today that, for one reason or another, decides against travel insurance then they are possibly being a little short sighted. We do not want our boats to sink but are happy to carry life rafts. travel insurance is a similar idea. We do not wish to ever claim on it but if things go wrong as they sometimes do it is a benifit to have the insurance.

Friday, June 5, 2009

First Flight - Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis When On Holidays

By Dorothy Yamich

Commercial air flights cause airline passengers blood to get thicker and slow down which can increase the possibility of blood clots, particularly in the lower extremities. And, the longer the flight, the greater the risk. Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is caused by a blood clot forming in one of the legs. This is a medical emergency. If this dangerous clot breaks away, it may move to the lungs which then could be fatal.

A common misconception is that younger, stronger, and physically fit athletes are less likely to develop deep vein thrombosis. Recent research shows that many people with a slower at rest blood flow, such as athletes, are in reality more at risk than the general population. People that have a history of swollen legs can also be at risk. Other people who are at risk are those that have, or have had, a serious health condition such as heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. Women that are pregnant, or on birth control pills or on hormone replacement therapy, tend to be more prone to deep vein thrombosis. Obesity may also be a factor.

There are two sets of symptoms that relate to deep vein thrombosis that you should be aware of. The milder set of symptoms may start to show during your flight or within the next few days. These symptoms are tenderness, redness, swelling, or cramps in one of your lower legs. Some bruising or swelling can also appear behind one of your knees. The most severe second set of symptoms generally appear two or more days after a blood clot has been formed. These symptoms can include fainting, shortness of breath, painful or rapid breathing, chest pains that can be accompanied by pain in one shoulder, coughing up blood, and fever.

What can contribute to these serious symptoms?

Deep vein thrombosis can occur in your lower legs anytime you are sitting in one position for a long time without moving your legs and feet. Some research shows that you are at three times the risk of developing this very serious medical condition when you fly. Driving, traveling by bus or train, or even sitting in your favorite easy chair at home can also cause it.

How can you, as an airline passenger, prevent this life-threatening condition from happening?

You can help prevent deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, from developing by increasing circulation in your legs. If you are predisposed to any of the above risks you may want to book an aisle seat to give you more room to move and allow you to get up and walk around anytime without disturbing the other passengers.

Many experts suggest that when you fly you should wear loose clothing and avoid wearing tight fitting slacks or pants, as well as elastic support socks or stockings; moving and exercising your legs frequently while sitting; changing your sitting position often; not sitting with you legs crossed; walking up and down the aisle every half-hour or so, and drinking a sports drink such as Gatorade so you do not become dehydrated.

It is very common for deep vein thrombosis to be misdiagnosed which could be fatal. If you develop any of the above symptoms you must seek medical help immediately. Inform the doctor who is treating you that have just recently flown and you think that it could be a blood clot. If the physician doesnt believe it is deep vein thrombosis, ask him to order an ultrasound of your leg to be sure. If you are experiencing any chest problems, insist that he or she do a simple and painless blood oxygen measurement on your finger. It only takes a couple of minutes and will prevent a serious misdiagnosis of your condition., is an excellent, non-profit organization that is dedicated to your health when you travel on commercial airline flights. Theres a lot of valuable up to date information and research on their website concerning deep vein thrombosis that could save your life. They also have a free wallet-sized flyer that you can print off and take with you when you fly. The flyer is available in English, French, and Spanish.

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