In these economic times, people are cash-strapped meaning they will be looking for the best bargains. In the past, before one would embark on a holiday they had to plan. That meant checking to see which airlines were the best and the cheapest. Then the next step would be to look for where to stay. For most, they did not have any family or friends in the city where they were going to be staying. That meant getting a reasonably-priced hotel. Once there the holidaying individual, family or couple had to worry about transportation which meant car rental. And what can we say about entertainment? Who does not want to be entertained when they get to their holiday destination and entertainment can be in the form of a tour or a safari, or even a hiking expedition not to mention other forms of leisure such as a night at the opera or the movies. All these cost money separately and can even add up to almost $10,000!
All-inclusive holidays are advantageous to the traveller because first of all they save time. There is no need to contact the airline looking for the right price, then contact the hotel and then look for the ideal car rental. All you have to do is contact the trip organizer or the tour agency and they set you up with an all-inclusive holiday package. Websites such as Travelocity and Expedia are reputed to offer some of the best all-inclusive holiday packages ever.
Another advantage of all-inclusive holidays is that they are convenient. One website can have you browsing all the exotic holiday destinations in no time. Expedia for example, has a section where you can browse through hundreds of airlines and holiday destinations. The good part is that t he prices highlighted there are the only price you need to pay. The price includes the airline ticket, the hotel and other holiday additions. That is what makes all-inclusive holidays so convenient.
In the event of a dispute, it is easy to obtain a resolution because you are not dealing specifically with five or ten entities but with one agency which has the customer service to handle all disputes. This is another advantage of using an all-inclusive holiday rather than a convectional holiday.
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