Building An Authoritative Travel Blog

Authoritative blogs seem all the rage at the moment but what exactly is an " Authoritative Travel Blog ?" Well my understanding of the matter is it is a blog that is not only very informative to the readers but that the information comes from authoritative type people in connection with what they are writing about.

Hopefully my articles below will give an insight on travel and travel related experiences from all over the world from many authoritative writers as they have been there and done that.

Articles will be and are published often and this means current travel experiences and up to date places to visit. If you have also visited these places or wish to comment then please do so remembering this blog is intended to family orientated visitors so please be respectful.

I have seen many fears raised through my article site and feel that any traveller today that, for one reason or another, decides against travel insurance then they are possibly being a little short sighted. We do not want our boats to sink but are happy to carry life rafts. travel insurance is a similar idea. We do not wish to ever claim on it but if things go wrong as they sometimes do it is a benifit to have the insurance.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Buying A Home In The Caribbean And Living The Good Life

By Chris Channing

Considering moving to the Caribbean islands? There is a cultural gap that you need to be made aware of. The transition to being a United States citizen to becoming part of the Caribbean lifestyle won't be too tough, but to save you some trouble there are a few tips to take heed to.

If there are any foods or comfort items you want to bring, be sure to do so if your mode of travel allows it. Most things on the Caribbean islands will have to be imported, so having your favorite dishes may not be possible, or at the very least cost a greater amount of money. Also be sure to pack a few things to remind you of home to cure home sickness.

The locals don't have a problem with the anxiety of staying on the island that foreigners do. If you hail from the United States, odds are you will eventually get a sense of being trapped on the island as you realize you are completely surrounded by water. This is perfectly normal, and easily cured by taking a small trip to other islands or even going back to the United States for a visit.

Perhaps the biggest obstacle to tackle while during the transitional period is to lead a slower paced life. Locals are more relaxed than your average city dweller from the United States. Locals like to make conversations- sometimes even at the expense of holding up a line waiting to buy groceries, for example. The transition may be slow, but is necessary to be in accord with the locals.

The politeness of the general population in the Caribbean is very impressive. This goes along with the idea that the locals lead a slower paced life. You will, for instance, be talking to others and exchanging pleasantries more often. You may even find yourself stuck behind a vehicle that has stopped to talk to an acquaintance. Whatever the case, you will seldom find a citizen that treats you with ill respect or is in any way rude.

There are plenty of luxurious properties to choose from in the Caribbean. Even if you don't have a lot of money to spend, there are plenty of great middle-class homes to purchase via real estate agencies found online. Some islands are more geared towards the wealthy, so you will need to talk to a real estate agent familiar with the Caribbean if you are going to find a good fit.

In Conclusion

You may think it would be great to live in paradise, but once you move it might not be so. It is highly recommended that you try out a vacation or two and see if you could find yourself living there for a long period of time. If not, vacation homes are available instead.

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