Building An Authoritative Travel Blog

Authoritative blogs seem all the rage at the moment but what exactly is an " Authoritative Travel Blog ?" Well my understanding of the matter is it is a blog that is not only very informative to the readers but that the information comes from authoritative type people in connection with what they are writing about.

Hopefully my articles below will give an insight on travel and travel related experiences from all over the world from many authoritative writers as they have been there and done that.

Articles will be and are published often and this means current travel experiences and up to date places to visit. If you have also visited these places or wish to comment then please do so remembering this blog is intended to family orientated visitors so please be respectful.

I have seen many fears raised through my article site and feel that any traveller today that, for one reason or another, decides against travel insurance then they are possibly being a little short sighted. We do not want our boats to sink but are happy to carry life rafts. travel insurance is a similar idea. We do not wish to ever claim on it but if things go wrong as they sometimes do it is a benifit to have the insurance.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The House and Garden Tours of Charleston

By Mara Hernandez-Capili

Beautiful homes and gardens are a sight to behold. A lot of work and keen creativity is needed to be able to cultivate a rich and blooming garden. That is why some owners take pride in opening their homes for others to marvel at a job well done.

The Garden Club of Charleston sponsors a house and garden tours every spring for its members and other participants. The tour will include a visitation of Charlestons historic and magnificent homes and their gardens. A fresh flower arrangement can be seen in each rooms of the house that are regularly created and maintained by its members. The owners of these homes have graciously opened their doors for the garden club and its visitors to see.

The House and Garden Tours possess strict regulations that should be observed during the duration of the tour. Children below 12 years old are not allowed since the travel could not make them comfortable. Children also tend to be playful and the club does not want to them to break anything in this private homes. A comfortable clothing and pair of walking shoes or sandals are recommended because of the spring temperature in South Carolina which is humid. The participants will walk on streets lined with bricks and cobblestones that is why high heels are not advisable.

The proceeds of the tour programs are used to preserve and maintain two historic houses namely: The Joseph Manigault House Garden and The Heyward-Washington Garden respectively. These two houses are part of The Charleston Museum. The Heyward-Washington place is named after the late President Washington because he was once a visitor there. The Garden Club also maintains and sponsors the healing garden of the Psychiatric Center of The Medical University of South Carolina.

It is heartwarming to know that there are organizations like these who focus on beautifying our place and at the same time helping others. Please visit your local listings to find the clubs house and garden tours schedules.

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